Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm all caught up in my classes!  Even ahead in some.  I think I'm starting to do well in painting, while I seem to be getting worse in drawing.  Ceramics I'm starting to like more, too, even though it is soo super messy.

Painting:  The still life is nearly done, I just have to do some cleaning up and touching up this weekend.  This is the scene we had to work with:

I cut it down a bit, and the professor said we can mess with the colors and even make up the shadows.  My view is slightly different because I stood farther back.  But this is what I've worked on so far:
So, obviously I changed the colors.  But I'm really happy with how the pots turned out.  The shading is pretty good, I think.  I have worked on it since I took the picture, but nothing big has changed.  I'm still working on the flowers and the bottle.  Hopefully I can get another A on this and finish strong.

Drawing: We spent so much time drawing skeletons and bones, and I absolutely hated it.  There was just something about it that I couldn't get, and no matter how much I tried I couldn't get it down.  These are the best ones I ended up with.

And everyone else did sooo well.  Again, I felt like crap in this class.  I've started to really hate it and dread going in the morning.  
We just started on working with ink, so we'll see how that goes.

Ceramics:  I've finished my big piece that I was working on.  All set to be fired, and then I'll glaze it.  Here's how it turned out.
I still don't really like the supports, but I tried to take them out and it nearly collapsed on me.  It was a bitch trying to put them back in, but it turned out alright.  I think it was pretty successful.  I put some slip paint on it before it gets fired, so then the glaze I put on will turn out in different colors.
Speaking of glaze, I finally glazed a piece and got it fired.  Remember one of the original pieces, the manipulated slab?  Well, I dipped it in a really cool blueish green glaze.

It's kind of metallic-looking, and pretty cool if I do say so myself.  You can see in the second picture that it must've gotten stuck to or burned by something in the kiln.  Geez.  Thanks, professor!

3D Design: Today in class I made a vase for the flowers.  It took a lot longer than I planned because the first one I made was terrible.  So I made it a simpler design, and it looks much better.

The reason it took so long is because of the side.  I had to cut out a strip, then score, break, bend, and fold every half inch so it could twist on the sides.

But basically the whole point of this is, I'm all caught up in everything!  Hmm, I feel like I should find some wood to knock on or something.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Well, now that my field hockey career is completely over, it's time to refocus on my classes and catching up on my work.  I've basically missed the past two weeks of class because of traveling and away games, so this week I was really swamped.

It's been especially annoying for my 3D Design class because it's only on Fridays, so I have missed the past 8 hours of class and was soooo far behind.  Or so I thought.

I go into class yesterday and find out that last week apparently only 4 people showed up for class, and two people were still working on the first project that I thought was finished 3 weeks ago.  Guess I'm not so far behind.

The professor for 3D design is really nice, and really laid back.  And I think that's part of the problem.  There's no real due dates or class structure.  The class is supposed to run from 9am-12:40pm.  But people just come in at random times and leave whenever they feel like it.  I feel like I'm in one of those high schools where you sit on bean bags outside and the teachers are former hippies who still smoke weed.

So, due to this structureless class and people not doing their work, turns out I was able to catch up and actually get ahead of most people in one class.  Heck yes.

The newest project is basically just creating a mold or form out of foam board that contains 3 separate parts and not using right angles.  Kind of the opposite of our previous 17-sided figure using only right angles.  So I got this idea to do one of my favorite craft projects, making a rose.

I used this little DIY Instruction webpage, and created the spiral on the foam board.  Then I had to kind of break up the foam in the board so I could spin it all together.  And it worked!  And turned out really well!  I had to use hot glue in order to keep it together without unravelling.

I made three roses, and then hot glued them to wire rods.  I had the choice between the wire rods and wooden sticks, but the wire moves better and makes it more visually dynamic.

Whoa.  Visually dynamic?  Guess the art-minor in me is really coming out.

Yep, another mobile upload.