Sunday, December 11, 2011

Virginia Tech- Part II

My heart truly goes out to the Virginia Tech community.  This school, already known for the shooting back in 2007 (where 32 people were killed and 25 others were injured), is facing yet another terrible crisis. Though the shooter was not a student at Virginia Tech (he was actually a student at Radford University), a VT police officer was killed and the shootings occurred on campus.

One of my roommates works for admissions at Hofstra, and she mentioned the other day that the admissions office at VT must be a hellhole after the second shooting incident.  And she's totally right.  How is Virginia Tech going to convince incoming freshmen and other high schoolers looking at colleges that it is, in fact, a safe campus?

For one, they will have to really talk up their campus-alert system that was put into effect after the first incident in 2007.  This security system prevented any other killings by alerting the entire campus that a shooter was on the loose.

I don't necessarily think that Virginia Tech's reputation is ruined.  It's just extremely unfortunate that they've had to deal with two shootings in the past five years.  If they can control their press mentions and get the story to include the positive details about the school, then they can certainly get back on track.

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